Monday 23 June 2014


At the ABH DECIDES, 23rd June 2014.

You are probably wondering about what happened at the ABH DECIDES...

At the time the program began, brownites were present, at the table were Oluyemi Sarumi,Tunde BykaMan, Osuji Portia, Zainab Lawal and Aladirin TopeDaniel..
 All aspirants where given equal number of minutes to convince brownites. A lot of wrong grammar were entertained from different aspirants. And the audience reacted each time. Only Teslim lost his composure at some point, dropped the microphone and put his head down for about a minute. A.W.O seemed to have had the best composure before, during and after his speech. He was the best dressed as well among the aspirants for the office of the President.
Chidimma came up with a hoarse voice claiming the campaign has had it on her voice.

When asked, 'can you lead a protest?'

Chidimma: I will have to fall back on the strong men of the union.
B.O.W: didn't attempt the question.

How can you manage having to pay an artiste so much of the SU week's budget?

B.O.W: I work with these people, I know how to relate with them and make them cut their prize. And I have my contacts.
Chidimma: we will negotiate with them.

What part of speech is welfarism?

Chidimma: I can't remember my English
B.O.W: it's an adjective

Among the four aspirants for the office of the S.U General Secretary, only Peter Cole had an idea what an Internal Memorandum is.

'If elected into office, I will meet all the landlords in agbowo to cut down the rent for students living in their various apartments' said the aspirant for the office of the house secretary.

The program lasted for about 5 hpurs . it endedat about 11:05pm., with a closing speech from Byka Man.

ABH--- Alexander Brown Hall, University College Hospital Ibadan.
Brownite-- A resident of ABH

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